I really liked how “Weekly Webinar #55: The State of The Union“ turned out, and judging by the comments so far, so did you.
I wanted to know if it would be okay with you guys if I aired an edited version on my CRP channel. I would edit out the Q-and-A, for the sake of the privacy of the participants, and I'd add a brief filmed intro, basically a plug for my Patreon channel.
My motivation is threefold: One, to share what I think was a pretty good broadcast with a wider audience. Two, to put more content on the CRP channel, and thereby get back in the good graces of the YouTube algorithm. And three, to give an example of Patreon-exclusive content, and thereby get more subscribers.
Please vote in the poll below. Only Webinar Tier supporters will be able to vote, and only one vote each. The poll ends Wednesday.
If you think it's okay, thank you so much. If you don't think so, I completely understand and there are no hard feelings. If the vote is too evenly split—say closer than 45%–55%—then I won't do it. Any comment or thoughts on this issue, please comment below—but don't forget to vote! (God, I just sounded there like a Democratic Party shill . . . lol)